Birds of a Feather is solitare card game created by Todd Neller.
rules are simple, and although some deals may be challenging, just remember
that over 99% of them are solvable!
Click on a card and drag it onto the desired stack.
Press the 'u' key to undo a move.
You must have
Java and
JavaFX downloaded on your machine.
Run the following command in the same directory that BirdsofaFeather.jar was downloaded to launch
the game.
(Make sure to replace the module path in the below command with your machine's path to
the \lib folder of the javafx-sdk)
java --module-path "\path\to\javafx-sdk-21\lib" --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml,javafx.base,,,javafx.web,javafx.swing -jar BirdsofaFeather.jar